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Death Watch: Texas Ramps up Executions as U.S. Support for Death Penalty Drops!


In a striking divergence from a national trend, Texas has notably increased its execution rate even as the overall national support for the death penalty wanes, a situation highlighted by the latest findings from Gallup’s Crime Survey and the Death Penalty Information Center’s annual report.

For over two decades, Gallup has been monitoring American attitudes toward capital punishment. Initially, a majority believed in its fair application in the U.S., but this perception has steadily declined since 2016. The 2023 survey marks a historic low, with only 47% of Americans considering the death penalty to be fairly applied.

This shift in public opinion coincides with a nationwide reduction in death sentences and executions. For the ninth consecutive year, fewer than 30 individuals were executed across the country, reflecting a growing skepticism about capital punishment. However, Texas presents a contrasting scenario.

In 2023, the state executed eight individuals, the highest number since 2019. This increase is particularly significant given that 62.5% of those executed were people of color. Florida follows Texas in this regard, having executed six prisoners, the most since 2014.

Death Watch: Texas Ramps up Executions as U.S. Support for Death Penalty Drops!

These actions, particularly in Texas, come amidst widespread reconsideration of the death penalty’s efficacy and morality. A notable aspect of Texas’ executions is the irony surrounding the inclusion of inmates from the Texas Department of Criminal Justice’s Faith-Based Program.

This initiative aims to rehabilitate death row inmates, countering the notion that they are beyond redemption – a belief fundamentally at odds with the rationale for the death penalty in Texas. Yet, the state proceeded to execute three participants of this program, including its first inmate coordinator, Will Speer, raising questions about the state’s commitment to rehabilitation.

Furthermore, the cases of Brent Brewer, David Renteria, Robert Fratta, John Balentine, and Arthur Brown Jr. illustrate the complexities and controversies surrounding the application of the death penalty in Texas. These cases involve claims of flawed scientific evidence, racial bias, and intellectual disability, underscoring the ongoing debate over the fairness and reliability of capital punishment.

At the national level, the Supreme Court’s stance on the death penalty is increasingly rigid, as evidenced by its accelerated rate of rejecting petitions from death row inmates. This includes the case of Robert Roberson, whose conviction was based on now-discredited theories, yet the Supreme Court declined to review his appeal.

Death Watch: Texas Ramps up Executions as U.S. Support for Death Penalty Drops!

In summary, as the United States grapples with the ethical and practical implications of the death penalty, Texas’ recent actions underscore the complexity and controversy of this issue. While the national trend shows declining support for capital punishment, Texas’ acceleration in executions presents a stark contrast, raising critical questions about justice, fairness, and the future of the death penalty in America.

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