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Official Confirmation: Prop 9 and Other Texas Constitution Amendments Affect Local Retired Teachers!


In a significant development for retired educators in Texas, the recent election held on November 7, 2023, has led to a landmark amendment to the state’s constitution. Governor Greg Abbott officially certified the election results on December 4, 2023, thereby ratifying thirteen new amendments, including the noteworthy Proposition 9.

This proposition is especially pertinent as it introduces a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) for eligible annuitants of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS). The certification of these amendments comes after a period of legal contention. The Office of the Attorney General has confirmed that the lawsuits challenging these amendments have been dismissed.

This dismissal paved the way for the State of Texas to implement these amendments without further legal impediments. Among these, Proposition 9 stands out for its direct impact on the lives of retired teachers. The Texas Retired Teachers Association (TRTA) has welcomed this development.

Official Confirmation: Prop 9 and Other Texas Constitution Amendments Affect Local Retired Teachers!

The association reassures its members that the COLAs, as promised by Proposition 9, should be disbursed without significant delay. This update brings a sense of relief and anticipation among the retired educator community who have been long-awaiting such adjustments.

These amendments, now a part of the Texas Constitution, reflect the collective decision of Texas voters. The inclusion of Proposition 9 in these amendments is a testament to the state’s commitment to addressing the financial well-being of its retired educators.

The COLA adjustment is not just a financial boost but also an acknowledgment of the invaluable service provided by teachers to the society of Texas. In conclusion, the official certification of the election results marks a new chapter in the Texas Constitution.

Official Confirmation: Prop 9 and Other Texas Constitution Amendments Affect Local Retired Teachers!

With the State of Texas moving forward to implement these amendments, retired teachers can look forward to the tangible benefits of Proposition 9. Despite the initial legal challenges, the path is now clear for these significant changes to take effect, marking a positive shift in support for the retired educators of Texas.

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