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Exclusive: Biden Promises to Close the Border Immediately if Congress Agrees on A Deal!


CNS NewsIn a significant political move, President Joe Biden has unequivocally stated his readiness to close the U.S.-Mexico border, contingent upon Congress finalizing and delivering a pertinent legislative package for his endorsement. This declaration comes amidst efforts to forge a bipartisan agreement in Congress, which, aside from addressing border issues, seeks to secure funding for Ukraine.

Biden’s announcement was made during a political gathering in South Carolina, underscoring his proactive stance against GOP critiques concerning migration management at the border. The proposed legislative framework, still pending formal consensus among Senate Democrats and Republicans, faces an uncertain trajectory, especially in the GOP-dominated House.

Biden emphasized the potential benefits of a bipartisan bill, highlighting its role in mending America’s fragmented immigration system and facilitating expedited entry for deserving individuals. He further noted that the bill would empower him with emergency authority to temporarily seal the border to restore control.

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The ongoing negotiations in Congress suggest that the U.S. might initiate border closure if illegal crossings exceed a daily threshold of approximately 5,000 migrants, a figure significantly surpassed on certain days last year. Amid these discussions, former President Donald Trump has exerted pressure on Republicans to discontinue the negotiations, viewing any potential success as a victory for Biden on a pivotal campaign issue.

Biden’s assertion of employing new emergency powers to close the border has stirred reactions among immigration advocates and the broader public. Critics argue that such measures diverge from the progressive immigration policies anticipated by his administration. Meanwhile, Biden contends with the challenge of managing the influx of asylum seekers, with Democratic-led cities feeling the strain of insufficient resources to accommodate them.

Exclusive: Biden Promises to Close the Border Immediately if Congress Agrees on A Deal!

House Speaker Mike Johnson has countered Biden’s call for legislative action, suggesting that the President already possesses the authority to address border issues without Congressional intervention. With immigration shaping up as a critical issue for the 2024 elections, the administration’s approach to border control and immigration reform remains a focal point of national debate.

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