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Florida Man Charged with Threatening Canton Muslims with Murder!


CNS NewsA Florida man faces federal charges following threats made against a local American Muslim organization in Canton, Michigan. Michael Shapiro, a 72-year-old resident of West Palm Beach, is accused of transmitting threatening messages to the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) Michigan Chapter.

Prosecutors allege that Shapiro left three separate threatening messages for CAIR, using derogatory language and making explicit threats of violence. The messages targeted members of the Muslim community, accusing them of being “violent,” “killers,” and “rapists.”

CAIR, an organization dedicated to promoting an understanding of Islam and protecting civil liberties, was specifically targeted by Shapiro due to the perceived religion and national origin of its members. U.S. Attorney Ison emphasized that such threats of violence aimed at instilling fear within a community will be aggressively prosecuted.

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The charges against Shapiro, which include three counts of transmitting threats in interstate commerce, carry the possibility of up to 10 years in prison for each count if he is convicted. The case underscores the seriousness with which law enforcement agencies approach hate crimes and threats targeting marginalized communities.

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