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Georgia GOP Senators Want to Ban Explicit School Library Books and Reduce Sex Education!


CNS NewsIn a move that could reshape Georgia’s education landscape, Republican senators are advocating for a series of controversial measures aimed at altering school curricula and policies. These initiatives, passed by Senate committees on Wednesday, are likely to ignite heated debates as the legislative deadline approaches next week. With an eye on the upcoming elections, some senators are seizing the opportunity to showcase their conservative credentials.

Sexually Explicit Materials

Under Senate Bill 394, labeled the “Clean Libraries Act,” sponsored by Senate Education Committee Chairman Clint Dixon, public schools would be prohibited from obtaining any materials depicting sexual content after December 1. The bill aims to shield minors from exposure to explicit material, with stricter regulations for younger students.

Criminal Penalties for Librarians

Senate Bill 154, also passed by the Education Committee, would criminalize K-12 librarians who break state obscenity laws. Georgia law exempts public librarians, public schools, college, and university employees from penalties for distributing “harmful to minors” material. The bill penalizes school librarians only if they “knowingly” distribute such material.

Georgia GOP Senators Want to Ban Explicit School Library Books and Reduce Sex Education!

The sponsor, Republican Sen. Greg Dolezal of Cumming, says Georgia shouldn’t prosecute teachers for obscenity but not librarians down the hall. The bill was amended to allow librarians to argue that schools reviewing every library item for obscenity should exempt them from prosecution. Sen. Ed Setzler, an Acworth Republican, said the amendment “creates an incentive for schools to scrub their libraries.”

Overhauling Sex Education

Senate Bill 532 proposes significant changes to sex education in schools, allowing districts to opt out of such programs unless parents specifically opt in. The bill would also restrict sex education for students in fifth grade and below, emphasizing age-appropriate content and parental consent. These measures, championed by Senator Clint Dixon, reflect a conservative push to limit early exposure to sexual topics.

Introducing School Chaplains

Senate Bill 379, advanced by the Government Oversight Committee, aims to introduce chaplains into public schools. Sponsored by Senator Marty Harbin, the bill seeks to provide students with additional support and guidance, addressing concerns about mental health and isolation. However, Democrats have raised questions about the qualifications and appropriateness of chaplains in secular spaces.

The American Library Association

The Government Oversight Committee also introduced a bill to ban public funding for the American Library Association. According to Perry Republican Sen. Larry Walker III, Senate Bill 390 is needed because the association is a “radical, left-leaning organization.” The move follows nationwide Republican efforts to cut ties to it.

Ten Commandments

In a nod to religious values, Senate Bill 501 proposes displaying the Ten Commandments in schools alongside other historic civic documents. Senator Marty Harbin argues that familiarity with these precepts is essential for a well-rounded education and moral development. However, concerns have been raised about the religious implications and potential exclusion of alternative texts.

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Georgia GOP Senators Want to Ban Explicit School Library Books and Reduce Sex Education!

Impact on Education Landscape

These measures signal a broader effort by Republican lawmakers to reshape education policies in Georgia, aligning them with conservative values and priorities. While the fate of these bills remains uncertain, their introduction underscores the ongoing debate over the role of religion and morality in public education. As the legislative session progresses, the contentious issues surrounding these proposals are likely to dominate discussions in the statehouse.

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