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Governor Dunleavy Proclaims Local HIV/AIDS Awareness Day as Alaska Marks World AIDS Day!


CheapNailsalonsnearmeOn December 1st, Alaska joined the world in observing the 35th World AIDS Day, a global event dedicated to remembering those lost to AIDS and supporting individuals affected by HIV. The 2023 theme, “World AIDS Day 35: Remember and Commit,” emphasizes ongoing efforts to combat HIV-related stigma and the commitment to eradicating HIV as a public health threat.

Alaska has reported 2,156 HIV/AIDS cases and 756 deaths since 1982. Despite these challenges, significant medical advancements over the past 30 years have transformed HIV into a manageable disease. Alaskans with HIV can now achieve an undetectable viral load, effectively preventing sexual transmission.

Prophylactic medications have also become available to prevent HIV acquisition. Acknowledging the importance of awareness and prevention, Alaska’s Governor Mike Dunleavy declared December 1, 2023, as HIV/AIDS Awareness Day.

Governor Dunleavy Proclaims Local HIV/AIDS Awareness Day as Alaska Marks World AIDS Day

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This declaration underlines the state’s dedication to raising awareness about HIV/AIDS as a global issue and supporting prevention programs, healthcare providers, and those affected by the disease. The fight against HIV/AIDS in Alaska is a collective effort involving medical, philanthropic, faith-based, and community organizations.

These groups have been instrumental in increasing access to prevention and care services and providing support to people living with HIV. As Alaska continues to combat HIV/AIDS, remembering those affected and committing to ongoing efforts remains central to the state’s approach to this global health challenge.

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