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Haley’s Son Labels Tim Scott ‘Senator Judas’ for Trump Support


The son of Nikki Haley, a Republican presidential candidate, referred to US senator Tim Scott, who is also from South Carolina, as “senator Judas” while expressing his disapproval of Scott’s endorsement of Donald Trump. “Senator Judas – I mean, senator Scott,” Nalin Haley said during a campaign rally in Gilbert, South Carolina.

Haley herself made a lighthearted comment on stage at the event, teasingly saying, “Nalin, I will deal with you later.” As per a report by Dylan Wells from the Washington Post, a statement was issued by a spokesperson for Scott in response.

The statement mentioned the senator’s mother and emphasized that such language would never be used by Ms. Frances or anyone from the Scott family. Haley, during her time as governor of South Carolina, selected Scott to serve in the US Senate in 2012, taking over the position previously held by Jim DeMint, who had retired.

Scott withdrew from the Republican presidential primary in November and later announced his endorsement of Trump in January. Trump is currently running against Democratic incumbent Joe Biden in hopes of reclaiming the White House.

Haley commented in an interview with Fox News regarding the endorsement: “South Carolina is a highly competitive environment.” Every individual must make choices and accept the consequences that come with them. He will have to accept the consequences of his actions.

She responded to Scott’s potential candidacy as Trump’s running mate by saying, “He’ll be let down if Trump doesn’t win.” South Carolina is scheduled to hold its Republican presidential preference primary on 24 February, with Haley currently lagging behind Trump by a significant margin in her home state according to polls.

In recent polls, she trailed by 37 points in the Morning Consult survey and 26 points in the Washington Post-Monmouth poll. During an interview on CBS News’s Face the Nation on Sunday, Haley aimed to bridge the gap between her and Trump by expressing her disapproval of the former president’s remarks about her husband, who is currently deployed with South Carolina’s national guard.

Haley in Republican Primary; Trump Eyes 2024 Amid Legal Challenges

TOPSHOT – US Republican presidential hopeful and former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley speaks during a campaign event on February 11, 2024 in Orangeburg, South Carolina.

Haley served as governor for almost two terms before stepping down in 2017 to become the US ambassador to the United Nations for the Trump administration. She has stated her intention to stay in the Republican presidential primary until Super Tuesday on 5 March, regardless of the outcome of her campaign in South Carolina.

Trump appears to be relishing his position as the Republicans’ presumed 2024 White House nominee, despite the fact that he is currently facing over 90 pending criminal charges.

The allegations against him claim that he attempted to unlawfully manipulate the outcome of the 2020 election, kept classified information without authorization after his presidency, and made undisclosed payments to an adult film actor who has accused him of engaging in a sexual encounter outside of his marriage.

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