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In London, Trump Loses His Case Against an Ex-MI6 Spy Over the Kremlin Dossier!


CNS NewsFormer US President Donald Trump has faced a setback in a London court, where his lawsuit against former British spy Christopher Steele was dismissed. The case revolved around the infamous Steele dossier, which contained unverified allegations of collusion between Trump’s presidential campaign and the Russian government.

Trump sought a legal declaration that the claims within the dossier were false, asserting that its publication had caused him “significant damage and distress.” The lawsuit was aimed at Steele and his company, Orbis Business Intelligence, under a data-protection framework. However, Judge Karen Steyn ruled that Trump had no grounds for compensation, emphasizing that the court would not engage in verifying the dossier’s contents.

This decision effectively ends Trump’s pursuit of legal vindication in the UK regarding the dossier’s allegations. The Steele dossier gained international attention when it was leaked to the media in January 2017, stirring controversy with its explosive claims about Trump’s ties to Russia. Despite its lack of substantiation, the document became a focal point in the discourse surrounding Trump’s presidency and its legitimacy.

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In dismissing the case, Judge Steyn noted that Trump’s legal action seemed more driven by a desire to rehabilitate his reputation rather than a tangible legal remedy. This observation aligns with criticisms that Trump has often utilized legal challenges as a means to confront adversaries and settle personal vendettas.

Trump’s legal team expressed disappointment with the outcome, reaffirming their commitment to contest what they perceive as falsehoods propagated by Steele and his associates. Meanwhile, Steele’s defense argued that the lawsuit lacked merit and was indicative of Trump’s broader pattern of litigious retaliation against perceived opponents.

In London, Trump Loses His Case Against an Ex-MI6 Spy Over the Kremlin Dossier!

This legal defeat in London adds to the myriad legal challenges Trump faces in the United States, where he is embroiled in several criminal trials. It also reflects the complex interplay between legal systems, political campaigns, and the personal agendas of public figures, underscoring the enduring impact of the Steele dossier on Trump’s post-presidential life and the broader political narrative.

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