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Man Cleared From Paternity Test in Unique Case of Blended Sperm for Partner’s Pregnancy


A man who combined his genetic material with his father’s in order to assist his partner in conceiving a child has successfully avoided the need for a paternity test following a legal victory against the council.

Mr Justice Poole acknowledged that there is a significant possibility that the individual the child believes to be his grandfather might actually be his biological father. This would imply that the person he perceives as his father is, in reality, his half-brother. 

The man, referred to as PQ, and his former partner, JK, made the decision to combine his sperm with his father’s and administer it to the woman due to difficulties with fertility and financial constraints in pursuing IVF treatment.

The judge was informed that the agreement was ‘always intended’ to remain confidential and has resulted in the birth of a five-year-old boy, referred to as D. 

Upon learning of the ‘unusual’ and ‘unique’ conception, Barnsley Council took legal action to determine the parentage of the child.

The council requested the High Court in Sheffield to order DNA tests to establish the paternity of the individual in question.

However, in a recent ruling, Mr Justice Poole rejected the bid and stated that the council had no influence over the outcome.

Judge Stresses Family Responsibility in Unconventional Conception; Paternity Test Uncertain Without Testing

This illustration picture shows a saliva collection kit for DNA testing displayed in Washington DC on December 19, 2018.

The speaker emphasized the importance of the man’s relationship with the child and highlighted the responsibility of both him and the boy’s mother in ensuring the child’s well-being. ‘It is important to recognize that the circumstances of D’s conception cannot be changed,’ Mr Justice Poole added.

‘Without conducting any tests, the biological paternity of the individual in question remains uncertain. However, there is a significant likelihood that the person he believes to be his grandfather is actually his biological father, and the person he believes to be his father is his biological half-brother.’

The judge expressed his disbelief that the individuals involved had fully considered the consequences of their plan, stating that they had created a complex situation with potential welfare issues.

He stated that the boy is a one-of-a-kind child who owes his existence to unconventional means, but these means also carry the risk of causing emotional distress if he were to discover them.

The judge rejected the council’s bid, stating that they do not have parental responsibility or a ‘personal interest’ in the biological parentage of the boy.

He stated that the question of D’s biological father may be of interest, but it does not affect the outcome of the application.

‘The desire to prioritize the public interest in preserving accurate birth records does not imply a personal stake in deciding this particular application.’

According to Mr Justice Poole, it is up to the family to decide whether they want to undergo a paternity test and inform the child in the future.

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