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Nikki Haley Says that Nevada Was “Rigged” by Trump and That It Was “Such a Scam”!


CNS NewsRepublican presidential candidate Nikki Haley recently expressed frustration with the outcome of the Nevada primary, alleging that the process was rigged in favor of former President Donald Trump. Haley, a former ambassador to the United Nations, emphasized the need for transparency and fairness in the electoral process, highlighting concerns about the integrity of the Republican Party’s nomination procedures.

Haley’s remarks come in the wake of her defeat in the Nevada primary, where she lost by a significant margin to the “none of these candidates” option. She criticized the decision to switch from a primary to a caucus, alleging that Trump influenced the process to his advantage.

Despite her loss, Haley remains determined to press forward with her presidential campaign, focusing on key battleground states like South Carolina and Michigan. The controversy surrounding the Nevada primary underscores broader debates within the Republican Party regarding its direction and leadership.

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Haley’s assertions of electoral manipulation highlight concerns about the influence of incumbency and internal party dynamics on the nominating process. As the presidential race heats up, questions about the integrity of electoral procedures and the role of party elites in shaping outcomes are likely to remain central issues for candidates and voters alike. Haley’s allegations of rigging in Nevada serve as a stark reminder of the challenges facing those seeking to challenge the status quo within the GOP.

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