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Owner of the Knicks James Dolan Faces Allegations of Sexual Abuse in a Lawsuit!


CNS NewsJames Dolan, the owner of the New York Knicks and New York Rangers, is embroiled in a serious legal battle following accusations of sexual assault and trafficking. The allegations, dating back a decade, have surfaced in a federal lawsuit filed in California, painting a disturbing picture of abuse and power misuse.

Kellye Croft, a massage therapist, alleges that Dolan sexually assaulted her during a tour with the rock band the Eagles. Dolan, who was part of the tour with his band, JD & The Straight Shot, is accused of using his influence and position to pressure Croft into unwanted sexual relations.

The lawsuit details a harrowing account of Croft’s experience, including feelings of isolation and fear due to Dolan’s immense power within the tour’s hierarchy. The accusations extend to allegations of trafficking, with Croft claiming Dolan transported her to California under pretenses for sexual exploitation.

This aspect of the lawsuit adds a grave dimension to the charges, implicating Dolan in serious criminal conduct. Dolan’s legal team has vehemently denied the allegations, asserting the absence of any merit in Croft’s claims. They characterize the relationship between Dolan and Croft as consensual and the lawsuit as a retaliatory act by an attorney with a history of unsuccessful legal challenges against Dolan.

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This lawsuit places Dolan in a precarious position, both legally and in terms of public perception. As the owner of prominent sports teams, the outcome of this case could have far-reaching implications for his professional standing and the organizations he leads.

The legal proceedings are ongoing, and the sports and legal communities are closely watching the developments in this case, which challenges the narrative of power dynamics in professional sports and raises critical questions about accountability and justice in cases involving high-profile figures.

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