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Police in Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Virginia Find 15,000 Stolen Building Tools


Howard County, Maryland—
Police in Maryland found 15,000 stolen building tools. They think this is one of the biggest theft schemes in the area in the last few years.

The things were taken from people in Maryland, Virginia, and Pennsylvania. Police have identified Lancaster County as a possible hub for the thefts.

Police in Howard County said they started their investigation in January after a tracking device in a stolen tool led them to a storage unit in Elkridge.

Since then, searches have been done in 12 different places.

It is thought that the things found there are worth between $3 million and $5 million altogether.

The tools were likely stolen from stores, businesses, cars, homes, and building sites, according to the police.

Police say that the tools were stored for a while before they were sold.

Already, more than 80 deaths have been named. Police think there may be many more, maybe even thousands.

“While we look into the crime, we wanted to bring attention to this case because we wanted to get these things back to the people who own them.” The thefts hurt their ability to make a living. “We’ve heard from victims who lost their jobs because of their tools,” Howard County Police Chief Gregory Der said.

“They help build, fix, replace, and protect our communities.” They can’t work if someone steals their tools. “Everyone loses because of this,” Howard County Executive Calvin Ball said.

Investigators set up a website with a form that people who have had their tools stolen can fill out to get them back. An officer will get in touch with everyone who makes a claim.

There have been no charges yet.

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