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Police Incident Leaves Florida man Severely Wounded and Speechless, According to His Daughter!


CNS NewsIn a distressing turn of events at a Save A Lot grocery store in Lakeland, Florida, a 55-year-old man, Joseph Lee, found himself in a violent encounter with police, leaving him hospitalized and unable to speak, according to his daughter, Anjelica Lee. The incident unfolded last week when Joseph Lee, described by his daughter as “medically fragile,” entered the grocery store with his daughter to purchase bananas to alleviate cramping from an infection.

However, he was accused of theft by a white female employee after consuming one of the bananas before reaching the register. Despite Lee’s protestations of innocence, the situation escalated, leading to a confrontation between the employee and Anjelica Lee. Upon the arrival of the police, the situation took a turn for the worse.

Anjelica Lee recounted a distressing scene where multiple officers approached with guns drawn. Despite Joseph Lee’s compliance, he was reportedly tackled by numerous officers and slammed against a car. Anjelica Lee, too, was subjected to mistreatment by the officers, including being handcuffed and placed in a police car. Subsequently, Joseph Lee began experiencing chest pain and requested medical assistance due to a pre-existing condition.

Police Incident Leaves Florida man Severely Wounded and Speechless, According to His Daughter!

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Emergency responders arrived promptly, but Lee’s condition deteriorated rapidly. He sustained an acute kidney injury and required dialysis, further exacerbating his already fragile state. Anjelica Lee shared heartbreaking accounts of her father’s suffering, including his inability to speak, disorientation, and confusion. She expressed grave concern over his long-term prognosis and emphasized the severity of the injuries he sustained during the encounter with police.

Amidst the turmoil, Anjelica Lee found herself entangled in legal proceedings, facing charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and battery on a law enforcement officer. Despite her assertions of innocence and efforts to obtain evidence supporting her claims, including security footage from the grocery store and police body camera footage, she remains embroiled in the legal system.

Police Incident Leaves Florida man Severely Wounded and Speechless, According to His Daughter!

The incident has raised questions about police conduct and accountability, prompting calls for transparency and justice from the community. As Joseph Lee continues his arduous journey towards recovery, his family remains hopeful for his eventual return to health, yet deeply scarred by the traumatic events that unfolded at the Save A Lot grocery store.

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