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Robert De Niro Uses an Nsfw Slogan to Show What Donald Trump Really Wants


The producers of “The View” pressed the mute button in response to Robert De Niro’s use of the F-bomb in reference to Donald Trump.

The Oscar-winning actor’s caustic criticism on the former president ― during which he suggested a searing new tagline for him ― was entirely muted for many seconds during Tuesday’s live broadcast of ABC’s noon show.

Initially, De Niro posed the topic of why some Americans don’t seem to be taking the possibility of a second term for Trump particularly seriously. He made reference to the fact that detractors first regarded Adolf Hitler, the Nazi dictator of Germany, and Benito Mussolini, the fascist despot of Italy, as nothing more than “fools and clowns.”

In addition, he referred to Trump as “hateful, mean-spirited, and vicious” before proposing a new campaign slogan that would be particularly scathing for the presumed nominee of the Republican Party for president.

“It’s almost like he wants to do the worst that he could possibly do to show this country, to fuck with us,” remarked Robert De Niro, who was allegedly on the show to promote the new movie “Ezra.” De Niro was referring to the movie that was being promoted.

In addition, he stated that the slogan that Trump should use is “Fuck America, I want to fuck America.”

Trump has been referred to as “so fucking stupid” and “evil” by De Niro in the past, and he has openly fantasized about a sack of excrement striking him “right in his face.”

On the other hand, earlier this month, the actor stated that he was “tired of calling him names.”


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