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“Terminate” Gerrymandering in Ohio is Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Goal!


CNS NewsFormer California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger lent his support to a grassroots effort aimed at combatting gerrymandering in Ohio. Addressing attendees at the Arnold Sports Festival, Schwarzenegger endorsed an initiative seeking to implement an anti-gerrymandering amendment to Ohio’s Constitution, slated for the November 5 general election ballot.

The initiative, spearheaded by the Citizens Not Politicians group, proposes the establishment of a 15-member citizen commission tasked with redistricting duties, effectively stripping lawmakers of their authority in this domain. Schwarzenegger drew parallels with California’s successful adoption of a similar citizens redistricting commission, which he credited with curbing partisan manipulation of electoral boundaries.

During the “Terminate Gerrymandering” event, Schwarzenegger emphasized the need to extricate legislators from the redistricting process, asserting, “Get the legislature and the lawmakers out of the redistricting business.” The proposed amendment seeks to instate stricter regulations on gerrymandering, mandating bipartisan representation on the commission and barring political insiders from its membership.

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The push for gerrymandering reform in Ohio stems from concerns over the perceived unfair advantage conferred upon the Republican Party by the current redistricting framework. With Republicans controlling key branches of state government, critics argue that the existing system disproportionately favors the GOP, stifling competition and undermining democratic principles.

Schwarzenegger echoed these sentiments, denouncing the deliberate manipulation of electoral districts to entrench political power. He decried the lack of accountability and transparency in the redistricting process, citing instances where courts invalidated Republican-drawn maps for violating anti-gerrymandering statutes.

The initiative has garnered support from a diverse coalition, including former Ohio Supreme Court Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor and advocacy groups like the League of Women Voters of Ohio. O’Connor, a Republican, emphasized the imperative of ensuring fair representation for all citizens, irrespective of partisan affiliations.

"Terminate" Gerrymandering in Ohio is Arnold Schwarzenegger's Goal!

However, the road to reform is fraught with challenges, as Citizens Not Politicians must secure over 413,487 valid signatures from at least 44 counties by July 3 to qualify for the November ballot. Despite the uphill battle, proponents remain undeterred, driven by a shared commitment to upholding democratic principles and fostering political accountability.

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