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Politicians’ “Shameful” Attention to Ukraine Rather than The Border, according to JD Vance!


CNS NewsIn a scathing critique of congressional priorities, Senator JD Vance (R-Ohio) lambasted his colleagues for what he deemed a misguided obsession with Eastern Europe, particularly Ukraine, while neglecting pressing issues at the U.S. southern border. Speaking on Fox News’s “Sunday Morning Futures,” Vance expressed his dismay, stating, “I think it’s so shameful… that you have all of these people whose job it is to look after American people and to lead this country, but they’re obsessed with Eastern Europe and with Ukraine.”

Vance’s remarks were prompted by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s emphasis on Ukraine funding following a high-stakes meeting with President Biden and Vice President Harris. Schumer underscored the urgency of the situation in Ukraine, stating, “The overwhelming sentiment in that meeting is, ‘We have got to do Ukraine now.’

There are other issues, including [the] border, which we should address, but not now.” However, Vance criticized this singular focus, highlighting the dire problems plaguing the U.S.-Mexico border, including the influx of fentanyl and the pervasive issue of sex trafficking. He lamented the lack of attention and resources directed towards addressing these domestic crises, especially amidst ongoing debates over foreign aid packages.

The rift between lawmakers over funding for Ukraine has persisted for nearly a year, with Congress failing to pass a bill earmarking financial support for the embattled nation since the close of 2022. The Biden administration, along with defense officials, has repeatedly sounded the alarm, cautioning that the U.S. is running out of funds to support Ukraine.

Vance’s stance against additional funding for Ukraine until border security provisions are addressed reflects his broader criticism of congressional priorities. In December, he accused lawmakers of prioritizing Ukraine aid at the expense of Social Security benefits, decrying what he perceived as misplaced allocations of resources.

Despite the mounting pressure from Schumer and other congressional leaders to expedite the $95 billion foreign aid package, which includes $60 billion for Ukraine, Vance remains steadfast in his insistence on prioritizing border security measures. He commended House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) for resisting efforts to advance the bill without addressing critical domestic concerns.

Politicians' "Shameful" Attention to Ukraine Rather than The Border, according to JD Vance!

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In his fervent condemnation of the perceived negligence towards domestic issues, Vance reiterated the importance of prioritizing the interests of American citizens. He emphasized the need for Senate leadership to refocus their efforts on tackling the pressing challenges at the U.S. southern border, rather than being fixated on international affairs.

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