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Texas Governor Signs Bill to Allow Police to Arrest Immigrants who entered the US illegally!


In a bold move that intensifies the ongoing immigration debate, Texas Governor Greg Abbott has signed a groundbreaking bill granting state law enforcement the power to arrest migrants who enter the United States illegally. This legislation, set to take effect in March, represents a significant shift in the enforcement of immigration laws, traditionally a federal domain.

The new law empowers Texas police officers to detain individuals suspected of illegal entry into the country. Once apprehended, these individuals face a choice: comply with a Texas judge’s directive to exit the U.S. or face misdemeanor charges for illegal entry. A refusal to leave could lead to re-arrest under more severe felony charges.

Governor Abbott, underscoring his stance, signed this bill in Brownsville, Texas, against the backdrop of a border fence. He asserted that this law would significantly reduce illegal crossings into Texas, projecting a decrease of over 50%, potentially reaching 75%. However, he did not provide concrete evidence for these estimates.

Abbott emphasized the deterrent effect of the law, believing it would discourage individuals smuggled by cartels from entering Texas. This legislative action adds a new layer of complexity to the ongoing national dialogue on immigration. It underscores the tension between the Biden administration and Texas Republicans, who argue that the federal government is not effectively managing the 1,950-mile southern border.

Texas Governor Signs Bill to Allow Police to Arrest Immigrants who entered the US illegally!

Texas has taken several independent actions, including busing over 65,000 migrants to various American cities since August 2022 and installing razor wire along the Rio Grande, which has resulted in injuries to some asylum-seekers. In a related development, U.S. Customs and Border Protection temporarily closed two railroad border crossings in Texas due to an increase in migrants using freight trains for entry, particularly noted over the past week.

This closure, impacting trade and occurring ahead of the Christmas season, highlights the broader implications of border control measures. Critics of the bill compare it to Arizona’s controversial 2010 immigration law, which faced substantial legal challenges and was largely invalidated by the U.S. Supreme Court.

They argue that immigration enforcement is a federal responsibility and predict that Texas’ law will face swift legal opposition. Proponents, however, view the legislation as a necessary step to control illegal immigration, citing recent unprecedented border crossing numbers, with some days witnessing over 10,000 crossings.

Texas Governor Signs Bill to Allow Police to Arrest Immigrants who entered the US illegally!

This law represents a pivotal moment in Texas’ approach to immigration, aligning with the state’s increasingly assertive stance against perceived federal inaction. As the nation watches, the outcomes of this law, both legal and practical, will likely influence the broader conversation on immigration policy in the United States.

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