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Thieves Make Off with Tens of Thousands in Merchandise from Lakewood Shop


LAKEWOOD, Colorado — Police in Lakewood are looking for the people who broke into a barbershop and sneaker store and stole goods worth tens of thousands of dollars.

To Joey Romero, owner of Crisp Barber Shop on 6th Avenue, taking care of the neighborhood means more than just giving people good haircuts.

Romero said, “This is our fantasy factory where we could make a place for everyone to get together.” “We’re good guy community.” We look out for our neighborhood. That’s the reason we do it.

Romero said that he let someone in the community who wanted to sell sneakers and unique clothes use the other side of his shop about a year ago.

Romero said, “Almost a year today, and then we get broken into.” “In business, we always keep this part in mind: that this could happen.” But do we really think it will? “Not really.”

At least $60K worth of goods were stolen.

When Romero woke up to hear that his store had been broken into between 2 and 4 a.m. on Tuesday, he saw what was captured on camera.

Romero said, “They left a trail of merchandise out the door, front windows broken, and police officers all around. It was heartbreaking, you know—that feeling in your gut.” They lost about $60,000 to $70,000 worth of goods.

“We didn’t get this money as a gift.” Romero said, “This is the money we worked for years to build a dream.” “And it’s gone in an instant.”

Sadly, this gut-wrenching feeling is all too common. Romero said that eight months ago, someone broke into their store too. Even though they have security cams and tempered glass to keep thieves out, they still got in.

“What should we do?” “We can get the doors, cameras, security systems, and window bars, but we already look like prisoners,” Romero said. “We’re getting stuck in the business we want to share with the world.” I don’t know the answer, though. As small business owners, it doesn’t give us much hope. We only have hope that our community will help us and will continue to help us.

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