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Threats of Bombs at Jewish Centers in New York City Make People in The Community Scared!


CheapNailsalonsnearmePeople in the Jewish community in New York City are scared because bomb scares keep happening. On Sunday, threats of bombs were made against the Shaare Zion Temple in Brooklyn and the Riverdale Jewish Center.

The NYPD did a full investigation into both of these synagogues and found that the threats came from different synagogues across the city. Police are still looking into these threats, but they have found that they are part of a bigger pattern of swatting or hoax threats that have been happening across the country.

The people who belong to the Riverdale Jewish Center are glad the threats were not true, but they are afraid the threats could come true. Over the years, Rabbi Pewnzer of the Riverdale Center has been threatened with bombs many times. Pewnzer showed his anger by asking, “When will this stop?” It is now so bad that we can’t take it any longer.

Threats of Bombs at Jewish Centers in New York City Make People in The Community Scared!

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are always being attacked, and they won’t stop. We need help right away, and more people need to know how much we want peace. The NYPD has said they will keep an eye on the places that are under threat and keep working on their investigation.

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