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Trumper Gets Jailed for Voter Fraud with The Dead Father’s Ballot!


CNS NewsRobert Rivernider Jr., a 58-year-old member of the Villagers for Trump group, has been sentenced to 180 days in jail following his conviction in a voter fraud case. Rivernider, residing in Continental Country Club in Wildwood, was found guilty of fraud and forgery by a Sumter County jury.

His offense involved signing a vote-by-mail ballot for his deceased father, Robert Rivernider Sr. Assistant State Attorney Joseph Church emphasized that Rivernider’s actions were intended to defraud the state by voting on behalf of someone no longer alive.

This case is part of a broader investigation into electoral fraud, with several other individuals in the Villagers community facing similar charges. Rivernider’s conviction is notable given his previous legal history. He was on federal probation for a 2013 conspiracy and wire fraud conviction and had received

a “compassionate release” from federal prison during the COVID-19 pandemic, which claimed his father’s life. The sentencing in this case reflects the legal system’s continued focus on upholding electoral integrity, particularly in light of the heightened scrutiny of voter fraud following the 2020 election.

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The case is part of a larger pattern of voter fraud investigations involving multiple individuals from the same community. Notably, Joan Marie Halstead, Jay Richard Ketcik, Charles Franklin Barnes, and John Rider were also charged with casting more than one ballot in the 2020 election. However, these individuals received lighter sentences, primarily consisting of civics classes.

Rivernider’s case stands out due to his direct involvement in fraudulent activities and his previous criminal record, resulting in a more severe penalty. This incident underscores the ongoing efforts to maintain the integrity of the electoral process and the serious consequences of violating electoral laws.

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