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Women in New Jersey Lose a Leg in a Train Crash and Then Fall Off the Tracks: “She’s Unbelievable”


A Jersey girl can do anything. That was very true for a 29-year-old woman from the Garden State who saved her own life after being hit by a train in early May.

On May 5, Lisa Fitzgerald was hit by an NJT train at the Morristown train stop in northern New Jersey. It was “pouring rain” the night of the terrible accident, Lisa’s stepmother Stacie Weil-Fitzgerald told Fox News Digital. Lisa was waiting for a train to take her to New York City.

“Weird accident…”She got caught under the train in some way,” Weil-Fitzgerald said. “Her leg was immediately severed off of her.”

Lisa was hit while the train was still coming into the stop, Lisa’s mother said. The last few cars of the train hit her.

Weil-Fitzgerald wrote, “She pushed herself up onto the platform and waited on the tracks.” “She crawled herself over, poor thing.”

“She was like, ‘I was just so scared that my hair was going to get caught up in there and that they were going to suck [me back in],” she said. To wait for the train to stop, she did this. As soon as she got on the platform, she began yelling for help.

She told Fox News Digital that some people at the Morristown train stop didn’t hear her screams and just walked by. Lisa didn’t get help until a NJT worker saw her.

“Her leg was cut off completely.” “She started screaming for help because she was bleeding,” Weil-Fitzgerald said. “And somebody that works for New Jersey Transit, the ticket collector, came over, and he totally freaked out.”

“She told him, “You have ten seconds to help me.” “Then she started screaming and counting to three,” she said. “And luckily enough, two Morristown Police Department officers heard.”

Lisa used her t-shirt to try to bandage her own leg until cops arrived and helped her. The event was reported by the Morristown Department of Public Safety (MDPS) on Facebook.

“Upon making contact with the female, [an officer] noticed her left leg right above the knee was severed from her body and she was bleeding profusely,” the MDPS statement said. “He immediately applied a tourniquet and tightened it until the bleeding was observed to have stopped.”

The Morristown Fire Department (MFD) also showed up to help the police find the lost limb. The train found Lisa’s leg and took it to the medical staff.

“The actions of Officers Hollain, Cerrick and Moran undoubtedly saved this woman’s life,” police said. “They exhibited unwavering composure which facilitated quick effective decision-making and provided comfort and support to the victim.”

For Fox News Digital, Weil-Fitzgerald said that Lisa’s bright personality shone through even in the sad circumstances.

“She was totally coherent and she was making jokes,” she stated. “She begged to be taken to the hospital. “This is not how I want to die.”

Lisa was rushed to the hospital and given care, but her leg could not be put back on. Her sister set up a GoFundMe page that has already raised more than $77,000.

Two weeks before Lisa’s 30th birthday party, the terrible thing happened. The birthday party was canceled and changed to a “amputation” party.

Weil-Fitzgerald said, “We decorated the hospital and had a big party for her.” “And she’s in such a good mood. A lot of people have been so kind and helpful with her GoFundMe. We feel great about that.

Lisa is one of eight siblings. She has been called the “Miracle of Morristown” for making it through the accident and her recovery with such strength and determination.

“I can’t believe it,” the proud mom said. “She has not stopped smiling.”

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