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6 NYC Residents Charged with Smuggling Chinese Uncooked Goose and Duck Intestines!


CNS NewsSix individuals, hailing from the boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens, have been apprehended by law enforcement authorities in New York City for their involvement in a clandestine operation to smuggle raw goose and duck intestines from China.

This illicit endeavor, which spanned across international borders, culminated in the intestines being transported from China to Los Angeles and eventually making their way to New York, where they were intended for sale to local restaurants.

According to officials, the defendants are facing charges related to the illegal importation and distribution of these animal organs. The arrests come as a result of an extensive investigation into the smuggling ring’s activities, which uncovered a network facilitating the transport and sale of the contraband goods.

6 NYC Residents Charged with Smuggling Chinese Uncooked Goose and Duck Intestines!

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The accused individuals are slated to make appearances before a judge on Tuesday afternoon, where they will face the legal consequences of their actions. The authorities remain steadfast in their efforts to combat such illicit trade practices and uphold the integrity of importation regulations.

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