Discover the 5 Most Dangerous Neighborhoods in Badger, Alaska
Alaska’s 5 most dangerous cities
There are 355 towns, cities, boroughs, and other places in Alaska.
Property theft is more likely to happen, which is in line with national data.
Alaska’s Bethel
The population of Bethel is 6,642 in 2021.
14.00 violent crimes for every 1,000 people who live there.
Property crime rate: 10.68 per 1,000 people who live there.
Bethel is the biggest town in the western part of Alaska. It is a city on the Kuskokwim River.
Bethel has a crime rate that is more than 5% higher than the national average.

Alaska’s Anchorage
Anchorage’s population is 288,121 people (2021).
violent crimes happen to every 1,000 people who live there.
Rate of property crime: 34.55 per 1,000 people.
Anchorage is the state’s biggest city by a long shot.
Four times, the city has won the National Civic League’s All-American City Award. Kiplinger’s Magazine has also named it one of the best places in the country for low taxes.
Anchorage has a rate of serious crime that is 50% higher than the state average and almost three times the national average.
Alaska’s Juneau
Juneau has 31,973 people living there in 2021.
Rate of violent crime: 8.69 per 1,000 people living there.
Rate of property crime: 29.31 per 1,000 people.
Alaska’s main city is Juneau, which is in the panhandle of the state.
Juneau is bigger than the states of Delaware and Rhode Island. It covers more than 3,200 square miles.
Downtown Juneau and Lemon Creek are the least safe parts of town.
Juneau has about the same rate of violent crime as the rest of Alaska. However, Juneau has about 25% more property crime than the rest of Alaska.

Alaska’s Kodiak
5,458 people live in Kodiak in 2021.
Rate of violent crime: 9.53 per 1,000 people living there.
Property crime rate: 13.01 per 1,000 people who live there.
People know that Kodiak is the largest city on Kodiak Island and that it is an important commercial port city.
The rougher parts of the city are Kodiak West and Mill Bay.
Kodiak has more violent crime than the rest of the state and more than twice as much as the rest of the country.
Property crime, on the other hand, is lower than the state and national averages, though Kodiak has six times the Alaskan figure for crime per square mile.

Alaska’s Fairbanks
32,702 people live in Fairbanks in 2021.
Violent crime rate: 7.77 per 1,000 people living in the area.
Rate of property crime: 40.98 per 1,000 people.
Fairbanks is the state’s biggest city and is in the middle of the state.
The main or founding school of the University of Alaska is in the city.
In the downtown areas, like North Lake View or Van Horn Industrial Park, be careful.
A lot more serious crimes happen in Fairbank than in the rest of the state, but not as many as in the whole country.