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Donald Trump’s Co-Defendant Claims Georgia Prosecutors Lied About Their Relationship’s Beginnings!


CNS NewsIn the ongoing legal battle concerning allegations of election interference in Georgia, a co-defendant of former President Donald Trump has accused prosecutors of misleading the court regarding the timeline of their relationship. Michael Roman, a co-defendant in the case, filed a motion alleging that the personal relationship between Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis and special prosecutor Nathan Wade began earlier than they had previously acknowledged.

Roman’s legal team presented evidence suggesting that the relationship existed before Wade’s appointment as a special prosecutor. The filing referenced an affidavit submitted by Wade, in which he claimed that his relationship with Willis commenced in 2022. However, Roman’s lawyers disputed this assertion, citing information obtained from Wade’s former divorce attorney, Terrence Bradley.

Bradley reportedly has firsthand knowledge indicating that Wade and Willis were involved in a romantic relationship before Willis assumed her role as district attorney in January 2021. Furthermore, Roman’s lawyers alleged that Bradley could confirm details about the couple regularly staying together at various residences, suggesting a deeper and longstanding connection between the two prosecutors.

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The motion urged the court to proceed with an evidentiary hearing to allow Roman to question witnesses and present evidence supporting his claims. Roman and Trump, who are both defendants in the case, seek to have the indictment dismissed and Willis disqualified from prosecuting the case.

Roman’s legal team also raised concerns about potential conflicts of interest, alleging that Willis and Wade may have financially benefited from their involvement in the case. They pointed to records indicating trips taken by the prosecutors, which they argue were unrelated to official duties and may have been financed through improper means.

Both Willis and Wade have yet to respond to the allegations raised by Roman’s legal team. However, the district attorney’s office previously refuted claims of financial impropriety, stating that Willis has no financial conflict of interest related to the case. In light of these developments, the legal proceedings surrounding the Georgia election interference case remain contentious, with accusations of misconduct and conflicts of interest complicating the prosecution’s efforts to pursue justice.

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