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Exclusive: Customer Sues McDonald’s Because Cheese on Big Mac Almost Killed Him!


CNS NewsIn a legal battle that underscores the critical importance of food safety and allergy awareness, Charles Olsen, a 28-year-old man from Rockland County, has initiated a lawsuit against a McDonald’s in New York City following a severe allergic reaction he claims was caused by an unintended slice of cheese on his Big Mac.

This incident, which took place in February 2021, has brought to light significant concerns regarding how food establishments handle customer allergies and the potential consequences of negligence in such matters. Olsen, who suffers from a life-threatening milk allergy, had taken meticulous steps to avoid exposure by specifying “NO American cheese” in his DoorDash order from the McDonald’s located at 335 Eighth Avenue.

Despite his caution, the arrival of his meal marked the beginning of a harrowing experience. After consuming a few bites of what he believed to be a cheese-free burger, Olsen quickly realized something was amiss as he began to experience severe allergic symptoms, including throat itchiness, swelling, and a burning sensation throughout his body.

The situation escalated rapidly, with Olsen’s condition deteriorating to the point of needing emergency medical attention. His girlfriend, witnessing the alarming reaction, rushed him to the hospital where he was treated for anaphylaxis, a potentially fatal allergic response. The seriousness of Olsen’s condition was such that he nearly required intubation to maintain his airway, highlighting the grave danger posed by the presence of allergens in foods for individuals with severe allergies.

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The lawsuit filed by Olsen seeks not only to hold the McDonald’s franchise accountable for the mishap but also to catalyze change within the fast-food industry regarding food allergy safety. The absence of an allergy warning or a cross-contamination notice at the time of order, as alleged in the lawsuit, points to a broader issue of inadequate communication and training in handling food allergies within the service sector.

Olsen’s case emphasizes the everyday challenges faced by individuals with food allergies, who must navigate dining options with caution and often encounter staff who are ill-prepared to accommodate their needs safely. The incident serves as a stark reminder of the potential consequences of even minor oversights in food preparation and the critical need for stringent protocols to prevent such occurrences.

Customer Sues McDonald’s Because Cheese on Big Mac Almost Killed Him!

In response to the lawsuit, the owner of the McDonald’s franchise in question issued a statement underscoring the importance of customer safety and affirming that the complaint was being taken seriously. However, the legal action demands more than just acknowledgment; it calls for the implementation of comprehensive food and allergy policies to ensure that all customers can dine without fear of adverse health effects.

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