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Man from Mississippi Charged in Huge Dog Battling Ring Bust, Many Dogs Rescued!


In a significant operation in Panola County, Mississippi, authorities have dismantled a major dog fighting ring. The Panola County Sheriff’s Office responded to a hang-up 911 call from a residence on Rayburn Road in Como, leading to the discovery of the illegal operation.

Upon arrival, deputies found a large group of individuals who swiftly fled in various vehicles, most of which were registered in different counties or states. The operation led to the confiscation of 29 dogs, all in varying states of health and with scars indicative of previous involvement in dog fights.

In addition to rescuing the animals, the authorities seized dog fighting equipment and 13 vehicles belonging to individuals implicated in the ring. The main suspect, 37-year-old Damien Jay Smoot of Como, was arrested at the scene.

Smoot, the owner of the residence where the operation was conducted, faces charges of dog fighting, a felony offense. The Panola County Sheriff’s Office is coordinating with other entities to ensure the rescued dogs receive the best possible care. Further arrests are anticipated as the investigation continues.

Man from Mississippi Charged in Huge Dog Battling Ring Bust, Many Dogs Rescued!

This operation underscores the ongoing efforts to combat the cruel and illegal practice of dog fighting, emphasizing the importance of community vigilance and law enforcement in protecting animals from such heinous activities. The recovery and rehabilitation of the rescued dogs remain a priority, as authorities work to bring all involved parties to justice.

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