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New Brunswick Police Amplify Efforts Against Holiday Drunk Driving!


As the festive season approaches, the New Brunswick Police Department, aligning with 131 other law enforcement bodies in New Jersey, has intensified its campaign against drunk driving. This initiative is part of the annual, nationwide “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” effort, which began recently and will continue through January 1.

The campaign combines heightened patrols and sobriety checkpoints, aiming to deter and apprehend intoxicated drivers. Anthony A. Caputo, the New Brunswick Police Director, emphasized the program’s significance, particularly during the holiday season, a time marked by increased alcohol consumption at social gatherings.

In support of these efforts, New Brunswick police received $10,500 in state grants, contributing to the over $795,000 distributed statewide for this cause. Attorney General Matt Platkin highlighted the seriousness of driving while impaired and its potential consequences, stressing that the campaign’s slogan serves as a crucial reminder of the risks involved.

New Brunswick Police Amplify Efforts Against Holiday Drunk Driving!

Reflecting on previous years’ data, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reported that from 2017 to 2021, over 4,500 individuals nationwide lost their lives in December alone due to alcohol-impaired driving incidents, with 1,013 fatalities recorded in December 2021.

Michael J. Rizol Jr., Director of the New Jersey Division of Highway Traffic Safety, condemned the choice to drive under the influence as irresponsible and life-threatening. Last year’s campaign led to significant enforcement outcomes, including hundreds of arrests for impaired driving and thousands of tickets for various violations.

To promote safety, the police advise holiday celebrators who consume alcohol to use mass transit, taxis, or sober drivers for transportation. They also recommend staying overnight at the event location if necessary and actively preventing others from driving if they have been drinking.

New Brunswick Police Amplify Efforts Against Holiday Drunk Driving!

This comprehensive approach by the New Brunswick Police Department and its counterparts across New Jersey underscores a commitment to ensuring safer roads and preventing the tragic consequences of impaired driving during the holiday season.

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