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Ryan Carson the Murdered Brooklyn Activist Girlfriend Shares Her Loss and Recollections on X!


CheapNailsalonsnearmeThe streets of Brooklyn still echo the loss of Ryan Carson, a dedicated social justice advocate whose life was tragically cut short. Claudia Morales, his girlfriend, shares her journey of grief and remembrance through poignant social media posts, offering a window into her profound loss.

In October, Ryan Carson fell victim to a senseless act of violence at a Bed-Stuy bus stop, leaving Morales and the community in shock. The couple, who had been together for over a year, shared many memorable moments, from selfies to texts that reflected their deep bond.

One such text from Carson read, “I feel so lucky that I get to have you in my life as someone to lean on and grow with.” The holiday season, usually a time of joy, has been especially challenging for Morales. Facing Christmas, New Year’s, her birthday, and Valentine’s Day without Carson is daunting, as these were days they cherished together.

Her social media reflects this struggle, with posts like, “This is about to be the hardest Christmas of my life.” Morales’s reflections also reveal the depth of their relationship and the impact of Carson’s untimely death. In a heartfelt note found on Carson’s phone, he expressed his desire to love Morales more than she had ever been loved, a sentiment Morales affirms he fulfilled.

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The circumstances of Carson’s death were horrific, with 18-year-old Brian Dowling, identified by police, attacking him after a wedding. Morales’s attempt to intervene during this attack was futile, leading to a traumatic loss witnessed firsthand. In her posts, Morales grapples with the surreal nature of moving into a new year without Carson.

Her pain is palpable, as she recounts moments like seeing shows they planned to attend together, describing it as akin to “ripping my guts out.” The community mourns with Morales, remembering Carson not just as a victim, but as a beloved figure in social justice, a person who made a significant impact in his short life.

Ryan Carson the Murdered Brooklyn Activist Girlfriend Shares Her Loss and Recollections on X!

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