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The Killer’s Family is Upset Because the Guilty Plea Means a 4–8-year Term. Why It Was So Short


He was previously referred to as “the most dangerous person in Erie County,” and Jamie D. Smith Jr. was given an extra term of between four and eight years in state prison for a third-degree murder. This sentence was added to his prior sentence of between thirty and sixty years. It was in 2021 when Smith, then 21 years old, entered a guilty plea to the murder of Kalvin Davis Jr., then 18 years old. Davis Jr. was shot in the head while he was sleeping in an apartment in Erie.

The family of Davis, who believed that the penalty was too low, expressed their dissatisfaction with the plea deal, which was affected by insufficient evidence and the testimony of a crucial witness who was not reliable. The settlement was maintained by Judge David Ridge, who emphasized Smith’s position, despite the fact that he expressed his personal dissatisfaction with it.

The entire sentence ranges from 34 to 68 years in prison. Through his plea, Smith has ensured that his parole board evaluations would take into consideration the fact that he is a double killer. During the hearing, Smith expressed his regret to Davis’ family, while the prosecution emphasized the importance of the plea agreement in order to obtain a conviction.

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