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The LAPD Says the Murder Attempt With the Golf Club Was Caused by Jealousy of a Porn Star


Los Angeles police say a man was caught last month after he tried to hit an adult film star on her motorcycle and hit the victim with a golf club.

On April 2, 26-year-old James Gosselin is accused of trying to run over an adult film actor named “Hamilton” in an LAPD search warrant document. Hamilton was riding his motorcycle at the time. The statement of probable cause for the order says that Gosselin was angry that Hamilton had made an adult movie with his ex-girlfriend. The ex-girlfriend asked to be known only by her stage name, “Ivy,” because she was worried about her safety.

The jail records show that Gosselin was charged with attempted murder on April 4 and was freed the next day on a $1 million bond.

Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department arrest records show that he is also being charged with two counts of assault with a dangerous weapon that is not a firearm. He also faces a charge for having a loaded gun in public without a permit.

May 3: Gosselin said he wasn’t guilty of all charges. His first court date is June 6 in Van Nuys, where he is due to appear. Michael Moshe Levin, his lawyer, did not answer a call for comment.

The affidavit for the search request said that Hamilton was riding his motorcycle on April 2 when another car hit his back wheel twice, throwing him off balance. Hamilton told LAPD detectives that when he turned around, he saw Gosselin try and fail to put on a ski mask before getting out of his car with a golf club.

The warrant says that Gosselin swung several times and missed, but he did hit Hamilton once in the lower back hard enough to leave a bruise.

Police say Hamilton hit Gosselin in the face and broke his orbital bone in the process. When the police arrived, they quickly arrested Gosselin. Police said Gosselin admitted that he had a ski mask, a golf club, and an undetectable ghost gun that they found in his car.

In the arrest papers, police said that they took Gosselin to the hospital and then released him for an unknown “medical reason.”

On April 3, Hamilton started getting texts from people telling him that Gosselin was out of the hospital and looking for him. He told LAPD Detective Gerardo Rivera about this.

He told Rivera that he was afraid for his safety because of Gosselin’s “behavior and reputation of carrying a gun.”

A friend of both men told the cops that Gosselin was upset about breaking up with Ivy and Ivy’s relationship with Hamilton.

In the warrant document, it also says that the friend said Gosselin told her he was going to borrow a truck, wait for Hamilton on the street, kill him, and then throw his body away in the truck.

“Willing to shoot it out with police officers when arrested,” Gosselin told Rivera, showing that she was not mentally healthy.

According to the search order, Gosselin and Ivy broke up in February.

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