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The Low and Vile Ads of the Gop Opponent in a Nasty Senate Primary Are Called Out by the Wife of a Wounded Soldier


Sam Brown is running for the Senate as a Republican. He is an injured war veteran with scars that will change his life. His wife is speaking out in defense of her husband against the “vile” attack ads being run by his primary opponent.

Amy Brown, who is often seen campaigning with her husband Sam Brown, says that ads in Nevada by Dr. Jeffrey Gunter’s campaign make Sam Brown’s scars stand out more. Sam’s face was badly burned by an IED during a tour to Afghanistan in 2008, according to Amy Brown.

“Sam’s scars are a physical reminder of how strong he was in hard times and how much he gave up for our country. Sam bravely fought not only an IED attack that almost killed him, but also over 30 painful surgeries that were part of his painful recovery, she told Fox News Digital.

“He got through it all, and the scars on his body show it.” “It’s disgusting and unacceptable that someone claiming to be a doctor would make fun of a veteran’s scars in general, but to do it for political reasons is especially low and evil,” she said.

Skin doctor Gunter, who used to be President Trump’s U.S. ambassador to Iceland, is running ads that call Brown “Scam Brown” and “the newest creature to emerge from the swamp.” They do this by referring to Brown’s close ties to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, an establishment Republican.

The ads use images that are common in attack ads for campaigns, like photos and views that don’t do the candidate being attacked justice. They also have things added that make Brown’s skin look like it’s covered in scales. Republicans across the country who support Brown say the attack ads this time are too harsh.

“It is disgusting that former Democrat Jeff Gunter makes fun of a veteran’s wounds that he got while serving our country.” “There is something very wrong with this person,” Mike Berg, communications director for the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC), told Fox News Digital.

Gunter replied to the criticism by telling Fox News Digital that the ads were about Brown’s ties to the “swamp” in Washington, D.C. This is why the politicians in one ad with Brown had skin that looked like it was covered in scales and there were pictures of mud dripping on the screen.

“The only wound that should be criticized is giving in to the swamp.” My dad was in the military, so I have a lot of respect for those who serve. I’m a doctor, so I’ve seen how badly hurt people can use their wounds as a crown or a crutch. “I won’t judge people by how they look, which is something the left does a lot,” Gunter said.

Gunter said that Brown was using his injuries in his campaign by calling himself “Burning Man,” talking a lot about the attack that hurt him, and using “the same photos over and over again.”

“Putting someone’s picture in an ad is not an attack. As Sam Brown’s campaign falls apart, this is a last-ditch effort. “He did his job with honor, but now he puts D.C. lobbyists and the political elite ahead of Nevada’s working families,” Gunter said. “Candidates aren’t immune from criticism, and hiding from accountability isn’t what Americans want in their lawmakers.”

What started as a heated argument between Gunter and Brown got worse last month when Gunter said he would be spending millions to attack Brown as part of his campaign to become the Republican nominee. That made both the Brown campaign and the NRSC launch their own attacks. The NRSC saw the former soldier as the best candidate to beat Democratic Sen. Jacky Rosen in November.

Tuesday, June 11, is the day of the primary.

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