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The Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics’s Campaign Against Illegal Cannabis Farms Is Paying Off!


The Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics (OBN) has been working tirelessly to shut down illegal marijuana operations in Oklahoma. The agency has been cracking down on any grow farms that may be tied to any international criminal drug trafficking. They are raiding farms daily.

The OBN has been successful in shutting down hundreds of illegal marijuana operations across the state, and the number of criminal growth has been reduced drastically. One such example of an illegal operation taking place in Oklahoma is Max Green Cannabis LLC. The people arrested had ties to international crime organizations.

The OBN claims that there are collateral criminal activities taking place in addition to just the fact that they’re growing illegally and using a fraudulent license. And these can be very, very violent individuals. The OBN has identified criminal groups from Russia, Bulgaria, Armenia, and Serbia that have come to Oklahoma in the last two to three years because they can maximize their profits for criminal organizations.

The Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotic's Campaign Against Illegal Cannabis Farms Is Paying Off!

The suspects in their investigations are also tied to other violent crimes. In the last two years, the OBN has shut down over 800 marijuana farms, made over 200 arrests, and seized almost 700,000 pounds of illegal marijuana. The black market can drive the prices so low that it’s driving legitimate businesses to bankruptcy and closure.

The OBN is doing everything it can to protect the businesses while going after and sending a message to those that this is not a haven for your criminal organizations to come and try to hide because we will identify them and we will shut them down. The OBN’s efforts against illegal marijuana farms are showing results.

The agency has been successful in shutting down hundreds of illegal marijuana operations across the state, and the number of criminal growth has been reduced drastically. The OBN has identified criminal groups from Russia, Bulgaria, Armenia, and Serbia that have come to Oklahoma in the last two to three years because they can maximize their profits for criminal organizations.

The OBN is doing everything it can to protect the businesses while going after and sending a message to those that this is not a haven for your criminal organizations to come and try to hide because we will identify them and we will shut them down.

Read More: Texas Driver Arrested by OKBN with 162 Pounds of Marijuana and Tyre Spikes!

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