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11 Injured in Mass Shooting Amidst Violent Weekend in Savannah, Georgia


SAVANNAH, Ga. — An altercation between two women resulted in a gunfight that left eleven people injured in a bustling tourist district of Savannah, Georgia, late on Saturday. This incident was one of five gunshots that occurred over the weekend in the city, two of which were fatal, according to the authorities.

Separate shootings on Friday resulted in the injuries of two individuals. Another two people were killed in shootings that occurred on Saturday. Then, just before midnight on Saturday, there was a sound of gunfire in the vicinity of Ellis Square in Savannah.

Police Chief Lenny Gunther stated that the shooting occurred as a result of an argument between two women that took place in a local shop. However, he did not specify the location of the business.

“A single shot hit the air. That prompted other people to draw their weapons and shoot,” he explained. Multiple people fired their firearms at each other, which led to multiple people being shot. This was the outcome of multiple people firing their weapons at each other.

10 of the 11 people who were injured were struck by gunshots. It was not disclosed by the authorities what caused the eleventh injury. According to the police, victims were first treated at the spot, and then “several” of them were sent to a hospital. It did not appear that any of the injuries were life-threatening.

Mayor Van Johnson stated that the shootings were caused by a proliferation of firearms and that there is a need for sensible measures to curb the availability of firearms. In addition to this, he emphasized the need of gun owners taking precautions to prevent their firearms from being stolen and of individuals who carry firearms being aware of how and when to use them.

According to Johnson, who was speaking at a news conference on Sunday, “We have to insist on smart gun laws.” On the other hand, we have to make it clear that we want individuals to behave properly while they are in possession of those weapons.

One week before the Memorial Day weekend, which is typically filled with tourists, the mass shooting took place. It was Gunther’s intention to reassure the public that there will be adequate personnel to ensure the safety of the general population.

In Savannah’s historic quarter, which is a favorite destination for both tourists and locals alike, you’ll find Ellis Square. It was constructed in 2010, and it is famous for a big fountain as well as a statue of the musician Johnny Mercer that is the size of a human being.

Both of the shootings that took place over the weekend in Savannah took place on Friday. Every one of those led to a non-life-threatening injury as well as an arrest by law enforcement. The body of a deceased kid was discovered by the police on Saturday after they responded to a call regarding a home invasion. After a resident confronted an armed intruder, there were allegations that shots were fired, according to the initial reports.

There was yet another shooting that took place at a crossroads in Savannah on Saturday night, which resulted in the death of one man and the injury of a young person.

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