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Pet-Friendly Revolution: California Advocates Push for Mandatory Pet Acceptance in Rentals!


CNS News Under a new plan, all landlords in California would have to let pets live with them. It’s called AB 2216, and it was introduced by Assemblymember Matt Haney (D-San Francisco). The bill is still in its early stages. Haney said in a statement that the bill was needed because there are more renters than landlords who are willing to accept pets.

The team led by Haney looked at Zillow listings and found that only 18% of Sacramento apartment listings allow dogs and cats. Haney’s team says that 829 thousands renters have pets in their apartments without telling their landlord. They say this is a problem because there will be damage that can’t be fixed even if they knew about “reasonable pet restrictions.”

“The Humane Society of the United States, like millions of pet owners in California, is sure that pets are an important part of our families.” “Tenants shouldn’t have to choose between keeping their pet and having a roof over their head because they can’t afford both,” said Jenny Berg, state director of the Humane Society of the United States in California.

Pet-Friendly Revolution: California Advocates Push for Mandatory Pet Acceptance in Rentals!

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People who are against the plan say that landlords and owners should be able to decide for themselves if pets are allowed. Instead of asking about pets on rental applications, landlords would not be able to ask about them under this bill. It also aims to get rid of extra monthly fees called “pet rent.”

We get the need for pet-friendly housing, but we think there needs to be a more balanced approach.  “It’s important to find a middle ground that protects housing providers’ investments and makes sure that other tenants can live in a safe and quiet place,” said Debra Carlton, Executive Vice President of State Government. The bill is still in its early stages.

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