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Warning To Illinois Customers: Beware of Scammers on Amazon, Temu!


CNS NewsCriminals are always working to find new ways to trick you and steal your money and identity. They use the newest technology and methods to do this. People in Illinois and Wisconsin who order things online and have them shipped to their homes need to be aware of this new scam that uses fake text messages about package deliveries.

Anyone can fall for an online scam. There have probably been times in your life when you got an email from a stranger in another country telling you they were suddenly very rich. All they need is YOUR help to get the money. They will send millions of dollars to your US bank account.

You only need to send them your bank account information and checking account line numbers. Because it’s a big deal, they’ll also need your social security number to make sure the transaction is real. Many people can see through that scam, but all it takes is one person to give up their information for the con artist to make a lot of money.

CNBC reports that crooks make more than $700,000 a year from these email scams. A new scam uses text messages about package delivery. Every time I get an email from someone I don’t know, I’m pretty skeptical, and I never click on a link in an email from someone I don’t know.

Warning To Illinois Customers: Beware of Scammers on Amazon, Temu!

But recently, while I was waiting for an Amazon package to come, I got a text message from what looked like the US Postal Service. I copied the link in the text message because I knew I had an Amazon box coming the next day. Just as I was about to paste it into my browser, I had a feeling it might not be real. I quickly checked my phone’s Amazon app to see if there was a problem with my address, and there wasn’t one.

The con artists know that these texts are meant to be sent to people who are waiting for packages. Another text message from a coworker whose Temu order was on its way showed how easy it is to think these messages come from the mail service. After less than 45 minutes of getting a fake text, a REAL message from Temu said that part of the package had come.

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Warning To Illinois Customers: Beware of Scammers on Amazon, Temu!

More complex scams are being made and are harder to spread. The Better Business Bureau calls this scam “Smashing.” Short Message Service, or SMS, is what SMS Phishing is also known as. A scammer uses a text message or phone number to “lure recipients into providing their personal or financial information,” as Fox 32 puts it.

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